Monday, January 30, 2012

Breeder Queens

 Breeder Queens VSH queen bee
USDA scientists at the Honey Bee Breeding, Genetics & Physiology Laboratory in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, have defined and tested a trait of the honeybee that is a Varroa Sensitive Hygienic behavior (VSH). Reproduction of varroa mites triggers their removal by the bees. Formerly known as bees with SMR, Suppressed Mite Reproduction. More...

Italian queen beesThese golden yellow Italians are excellent for commercial pollination as well as honey production.
Our Pol-line hygienic Italian breeders have incorporated
Varroa Sensitive Hygienic behavior, VSH for enhanced resistance to varroa mites.
  • Early Spring build up
  • Large clusters
  • Great brood production
  • Excellent for commercial pollination and honey production

Cordovan color is a genetic trait controlled by a single recessive gene, similar to blue eyes in humans. It is a color variation rather than a race of bee.The cordovan gene changes black body parts (head, thorax, bands) to reddish brown. The abdomen is golden yellow to the tip. Their bright color makes them the easiest queen to find. These are our most gentle bees. We have crossed our cordovan bees with VSH bees to enhance their Varroa mite resistance. More...

Winter hardy
Rapid spring build up
Tracheal mite resistant
Excellent comb builders
Carniolans are known for their winter hardiness and rapid spring build up.They are excellent honey producers and comb builders. They have proven to be exceptionally resistant to tracheal mites.This is our darkest colored line of bees. Our Carniolans have been crossed with VSH bees for enhanced resistance to Varroa mites.

We also offer pure VSH queens crossed with Italian or Carniolan drones. These are especially useful for programs utilizing instrumentally insemination, since the drones produced by these queens will be pure VSH.

Queen comparison chart


Shipping - Queens are sent via UPS Next Day Air. Add $50.00 shipping per shipment. Queens are shipped in 3 hole candy introduction cages with attendant bees. A push-in cage is included for each queen. JZs BZs plastic cages are available upon request. Please send your street address as UPS does not send to Post Office Boxes.
Instrumentally inseminated queen

.All queens are instrumentally inseminated and marked with a numbered disk. Also one half of one forewing is carefully clipped.
International queen color code:

.Questions & Answers
Are your queens fertile?
Yes. All of our queens are now instrumentally inseminated. A queen is shipped only after we are sure she is fertile and laying a good brood pattern.
Why use instrumentally inseminated queens?
Naturally mated queens normally mate with 10-20 random drones, sometimes miles away from their hives. Instrumental insemination is necessary to apply the principles of selection and breeding to bees. Controlling the mating allows us to provide you with disease resistant and highly productive queens.
When are queens available?
Instrumentally inseminated queens are available from March to December. Supplies are limited in the early spring. 
What about mites and diseases?
Our stock has been proven to have tracheal mite resistance and hygienic behavior. We take preventive measures to insure that mites or disease are not present on the bees we sell. Fumagilin-B is included in the queen candy as protection against Nosema. A State of California Health Certificate is included with each shipment.


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